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* Fields with an asterisk are required.

I would like to receive personal offers and marketing information by e-mail.

I confirm that I have read the Protection Of Privacy In BTA.



{{sparsePrice(price, true)}} €



Deductible CASCO
Insured risks

We at BTA, indemnify traffic damage caused by the party who has taken out motor insurance and the cost of medical treatment for third parties (owners of other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians) and damage to property of third parties.




{{translation('one_property_covered_deductible')}} {{coveredPopup.deductible}} €


{{coveredPopup.formattedPrice(item.price)}} €/pers.
{{coveredPopup.sparsePrice(price, true)}} €

Let us remind you

{{productReminderMessage}} {{productReminderDate}}.

I agree to receive special offers and information
Your session will end in:


{{ fieldsPopupHeading }}
{{ cmsFields.youngestDriver.label }}
{{ cmsFields.drivingExperience.label }}
{{ cmsFields.territory.label }}
Please specify territory
{{ cmsFields.drivingExperienceLessThanThreeYears.label }}
Please specify driving experience
Please wait!

We need few seconds to calculate best prices for you, you don’t even have time to read this message :)

{{ transform.translate('upgrade_offer', 'nba') }}
{{ popupService.current.data.nba.heading }}
{{ transform.translate('btar_one_dashboard_due', 'dashboard') + ' ' + popupService.current.data.due_date }}