One Day Personal Accident Insurance

It takes just a moment for something unexpected to occur which means that even during one day you can experience unplanned expenses. With One Day Personal Accident Insurance you can feel safe while you are enjoying your favorite activity.

Choose policy plan

Your benefits

For you and for others

Insure yourself and your children, or everyone, with whom you’re hanging out with. Having fun in an amusement park? Climbing trees in a net labyrinth? Spending time jumping on the trampoline? One Day Personal Accident Insurance will ensure your peace of mind in case of a sudden accident.

Affordable and accessible

Only 1 EUR for an infinite sense of safety. Injuries might occur in the blink of an eye, while recovery can take several days or weeks. We care about the safety of you and your loved ones, and that’s why we offer everyone an accessible option to protection.

Quick and convenient

We care about providing safety as quickly and conveniently as possible – you don’t have to deal with a neverending stack of documents and questionnaires to receive the needed service only in a couple of days. Insurance policy is just a few clicks away!

1 mil.
EUR paid in personal accident claims 2022
years of expierence
personal accident claims on average are submitted a month
customer service

What are the risks?

You don’t need to be clumsy to sustain injuries. These are the accident we have often encountered in insurance claims:
Broken bones while skiing or snowboarding;
Head injuries and bone fractures while sliding down a hill in an inflatable tube;
Concussions sustained in an amusement park;
Twisted ankles, broken arms, and face injuries while trampoline jumping.

What you need to do


Buy a ticket in the location where you intend to spend your leisure time, for instance, in net labyrinths, amusement parks or on the mountain.


Visit BTA website or got to BTA app and buy the One Day Personal Accident Insurance that is most suitable to your needs – 1 EUR or 2.50 EUR.


Enjoy your time and have fun! If you are involved in an accident or sustain an injury – please call BTA Customer support service at +371 26 12 12 12 or complete an insurance claim on My BTA.

KLIKK family amusement park

For example, when visiting the largest indoor family amusement park KLIKK in Latvia, don't forget to buy 1-day accident insurance.

Frequently asked questions

  • Services that are bought and paid for in sports and amusement parks;
  • Insurance should be bought no later than 15 minutes as of the payment for the service (payment order on the purchase of service is required with the time specified, for instance, 10:00);
  • Insurance is valid until 23:59 of the present day;
  • Insurance is valid in the territory of the Republic of Latvia.
  • Insurance is invalid when engaged in the following sports activities: motor sport, mountaineering, box, downhill, equestrian sports, kickboxing, rock climbing, motorcycling, skydiving.
  • Insurance is invalid when under the influence of alcohol, narcotic or psychotropic substances, or medicine that was not prescribed by a doctor.
  • In case of an injury, the Insured person should immediately, as soon as possible, however, not later than within 24 hours as of the moment when injury was sustained, go to a medical institution to receive medical services.
  • Be sure to keep a document confirming payment (cashier's check, payment order or receipt) for the purchase of the service.
  • All the documents that acknowledge the injury sustained should be received from the medical institution: discharge papers with accurate diagnosis, in case of fractures – an X-Ray, in case of ligament tears – examination results (USG or MR), etc.

Insurance product information document, terms and conditions






Deductible CASCO
Insured risks

We at BTA, indemnify traffic damage caused by the party who has taken out motor insurance and the cost of medical treatment for third parties (owners of other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians) and damage to property of third parties.




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{{ cmsFields.youngestDriver.label }}
{{ cmsFields.drivingExperience.label }}
{{ cmsFields.territory.label }}
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{{ cmsFields.drivingExperienceLessThanThreeYears.label }}
Please specify driving experience
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