When you buy CASCO insurance online - on BTA's website, you will get a wide range of cover, not just car insurance:
Destruction of the vehicle
If the prevention of damage created as a result of any of the risks mentioned in CASCO rules exceeds 70% of the actual value of the vehicle at the moment of the occurrence of the insurance event.
Risk of burglary
Robbery of the vehicle or an attempt to steal the vehicle connected with violence or threats of violence
Risk of theft
Secret or public vehicle theft or an attempt of theft if the vehicle has been moved from its place of parking.
Risk of traffic accident
A collision with another vehicle, obstacle, pedestrian, animal or other object in traffic or other place where driving is possible, as well as the rollover, falling (e.g. from a bridge, etc.), sinking or breaking through the ice of a vehicle in motion.
Risk of fire
The impact of fire, smoke, soot and extinguishing operations on the vehicle
Risk of natural disasters
Damage of the vehicle caused by storm, flood, lightning and hail, as well as the damage caused by falling objects created by the impact of these natural disasters.
Risk of glass breakage
Mechanical damage of the glass of the windows of the vehicle
Risk of animals
Damage caused by animals or birds, including damage to the vehicle interior or the engine compartment.
Risk of falling objects
Damage caused by falling objects.
Risk of participation in competitions
Damage of the vehicle caused by participating in competitions, practice drives, test drives on the condition that the regulation of competition includes, partially or entirely, driving on public roads in compliance with traffic rules.
Risk of illegal activities of third parties
The destruction, damage, theft of parts or additional equipment of the vehicle carried out by third parties.
Roadside Assistance
Additional free coverage "Roadside Assistance" providing such assistance in unforeseen circumstances on the road:
- 24 Hour Assistance
- Technical Assistance on the Road
If you can not continue your trip due to an accident, BTA Assistance service will help you – a professional will consult you on the damage and will perform the following on-the-road repairs:
- will replace the damaged wheel with the spare wheel that you have in your car
- will start the engine with jump leads
- will solve problems with the anti-theft equipment
- will open locked doors
- will unfreeze the door locks
- will unblock the automatic gear box
- will fix leaks in the cooling system and refill the antifreeze
- will tension the engine belt
- and perform other on-the-road repairs. Labour is free of charge, but the materials used for the repairs are charged separately.
- Delivery of Fuel
The delivery is free of charge, but you will have to pay for the fuel.
- Transportation to a Service Center
If you can not continue the trip due to an accident and the damage can not be repaired on-the-road, BTA Assistance service will transport your car to the nearest service centre. If your car has the manufacturer’s warranty, during the working hours of the dealer’s service centre we will take it to the nearest dealer’s service centre and outside the working hours – to the nearest guarded parking place of the dealer’s service centre.
- Taxi Services
If you can not continue the trip with your car and the auto assistance service has towed it away, we will transport you and your passengers to the selected place within the 60 km distance from the place of accident. The maximum number of persons to be carried – 9.
- Car Rental
If your car has been towed away by the BTA Assistance service and it is being repaired, within one day we will replace it with the lease car until the problem, which is keeping your car off the road, is solved. The lease car is provided free of charge for up to 3 days. The class of a rental car is determined in accordance with the class and equipment of your car; however, it will not be higher than compact class.
- Filling in the Coordinated Accident Statement
In case you have had a minor roar traffic accident, and the circumstances according the Road Traffic Regulations allow producing the agreed statement of facts, then call 26 12 12 12 and receive guidance on how to fill in the agreed accident statement. In case of necessity, BTA Assistance service will also help you with filling the statement on site.
Luggage insurance
BTA will compensate for losses with respect to Luggage Theft, Robbery, damages, Destruction, occurring as a result of sudden and unexpected circumstances, except for cases referred to in “Exceptions” section of these Terms and Conditions. The maximum Insurance Indemnity amount payable for all Insured Events in total during the Insurance Period shall be EUR 1000. Damages Deductible will be applied, when calculating Insurance Indemnity.
Vehicle maintenance
BTA will indemnify for losses resulting from damage related to the vehicle washing, maintenance, repair and the consequences thereof. Deductible will be applied, when calculating Insurance Indemnity, except for a case, when the Insured has submitted to BTA all its requested documents to exercise the Subrogation Right against the person liable for causing loss.
Risk of hydro impact
Covers damage caused by a vehicle hitting a puddle or flooded place.
Key theft
BTA will compensate the expenses of restoring the vehicle ignition keys and anti-theft systems control devices in the case of Theft or Robbery of these devices, except for cases, listed in the Exceptions section of these Terms and Conditions. The maximum Insurance Indemnity amount payable for all Insured Events in total during the Insurance Period shall be EUR 300. Deductible is not applied, when calculating Insurance Indemnity.
Aerography related risk
BTA will compensate for losses from damages to the vehicle’s aerographic drawings, carbon, matt and other protective and coloured films (except for Auto Glass tint damage), occurring as a result of any sudden and contingent conditions, except for cases, listed in the Exceptions section of these Terms and Conditions. The maximum Insurance Indemnity amount payable for all Insured Events in total during the Insurance Period shall be EUR 600. Deductible is not applied, when calculating Insurance Indemnity, if this is the only damage.
Carelessness risk
BTA will compensate for losses resulting from Insurance object’s, incl. any stationary installed or mounted vehicle parts, damages or destruction as a result of malicious intent or fault that in terms of loss compensation and other civil liability consequences equals wilful misconduct, of the Insured’s family member (spouse, children, parents), Policyholder’s family member (spouse, children, parents), Beneficiary’s family member (spouse, children, parents) or employee, except for cases, listed in the Exceptions section of these Terms and Conditions. Deductible will be applied, when calculating Insurance Indemnity.
Cover on ferry
BTA will indemnify for losses from damages of the Insurance object, occurring as a result of sudden and contingent conditions, except for cases, listed in the Exceptions section of these Terms and Conditions, while the vehicle was located on a ship or ferry and was being transported as cargo. Deductible will be applied, when calculating Insurance Indemnity.
Fuel system cleaning
BTA will indemnify for losses related to cleaning of the vehicle’s fuel system, sustained due to filling a fuel not corresponding the vehicle’s manufacturer’s specification. Deductible will be applied, when calculating Insurance Indemnity.