Device and Movable property insurance

Make sure your device or all movable property are safe both at home and outside your home and insure it at a friendly price. If you need to repair or replace your property – you’ll get it indemnified.

Insure one device or all your moveable property

Compare. Choose yours.

What is this insurance?

You’re going on a trip, to work or spend your time otherwise, and you care to receive financial support in case of theft, damages, or other kind of accident to belongings, in order to repair it or replace with another property? We have a solution for you – BTA Device and Movable property insurance:
Insure one device or all movable property;
Insure any device in operating condition irrespective of its age;
Valid all over Europe.

Most frequent insured events

Accidental event

Smart device accidently falls out of your hands or hands of your kid, or you poured coffee, juice, or other liquid over it.

Water leakage

Resulting from damages to plumbing fixtures your apartment or house is flooded, and your property is damaged.


Theft of a device, for example, from your home or car with visible signs of a break-in, and a law enforcement report has been drawn up.


We will help you out with the insurance indemnity to renovate or buy a new equivalent property or devices.

Vandalism and robbery

During an attack a device or property owned by you is taken or damaged.


In case of flood losses shall be covered, for example, for furniture or household appliances.

Cases when the insurance will not apply

Equipment depreciation

Equipment breakdown without any external impact thereto, or natural depreciation of equipment.


Your four-legged friend scratched your smart devices or your furniture.


If a device disappeared because of one’s own carelessness.

Your benefits

Friendly price

BTA device insurance will cost you less than device insurance at the time of device purchase in a shop.

All over Europe

Insurance will be in force all over the territory of Europe. For instance, we will indemnify for your losses if your camera is stolen while you’re travelling.

Unlimited age of your devices

Insure your device in operating condition irrespective of its purchase time, for instance, if it was purchased one year ago.

BTA years of insurance industry experience
Claimed property accidents make daily average
600 €
Average losses in case of damage to belongings
Customer service

Reliable repair service

We offer to repair your device at our reliable partners or pay for repair at the authorized repair company of your choice. Advice for device use:
Don’t try to repair it yourself;
Don’t use a damaged device;
Don’t leave it unattended outside your home;
Use protective glass and case that will protect it from damages.

How to apply for indemnity?


Complete insurance claim application at My BTA or by calling +371 26 12 12 12.


We will help you to understand what kind of documents should be completed required by insurance claim decision-making. As necessary, we will recommend the most appropriate partner to assess the damages.


We will consider your claim and let you know about the decision asap.  It takes us 3-5 days as of receipt of all the requested document on average to consider an insurance claim case.

Insurance product information document and terms and conditions

Frequently asked questions

Losses are covered in the following cases: in the event of a fire, liquid leakage (for example, a water pipe breaks and your flat or house floods thus damaging the property), as a result of burglary or robbery, as well as losses due to careless use, for example, if the phone falls out of your hand.

When choosing to insure 1 device:

  • 4.99 €/month with the sum insured of 500 €;
  • 6.99 €/month with the sum insured of 1000 €;
  • 9.99 €/month with the sum insured of 2000 €.

When choosing to insure the entire movable property:

  • 7.99 €/month with the sum insured of 5000 €;
  • 11.99 €/month with the sum insured of 10000 €;
  • 14.99 €/month with the sum insured of 15000 €.

Additional options: In the case of the entire movable property, you can buy a help kit for the house for 1.00 €/month and an extended warranty for electronics aged 2 to 4 years for 2.00 €/month.

Deductible for the one device or all movable insurance service is 140 €.

Mobile devices, computers, household appliances, TV equipment, furniture, etc. All possessions at the given address are insured as an aggregation of property.

Contact the BTA Customer Support Service by phone +371 26 12 12 12 or fill out the contract termination application on the website. Please note that the policy will be terminated on the 16th day after receiving the application in accordance with Private Property Insurance Terms and Conditions No. 0801.01, Clause No.18.

If a device, such as a phone, is stolen by breaking into your car or home, violently attacking you on the street, or breaking into a locked locker in a sports club, library, etc., the police should be informed about the case of theft and robbery. If the accident happens outside the borders of Latvia, there must also be a police statement or report.

Complete the insurance claim My BTA or call our 24/7 customer support at +371 26 12 12 12, or report an accident by e-mail at

The validity term of the policy is indicated in the policy; however, the policy will not start earlier than the day after the conclusion of the policy.

Device and Movable property insurance operate in the member states of the European Union.

By choosing to insure your all movable property, you will receive better protection against financial losses that may occur due to sudden and unexpected accidents.






Deductible CASCO
Insured risks

We at BTA, indemnify traffic damage caused by the party who has taken out motor insurance and the cost of medical treatment for third parties (owners of other vehicles, cyclists, pedestrians) and damage to property of third parties.




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